Investigation is launched into non-halal meat in Keighley nursery claim

The group that runs a Keighley nursery has assured a Muslim father it will look into how his son was allowed to eat ham and non-halal meat while in its care.

Abdul Shukoor had threatened to take Strong Close Day Nursery, run by the Pre School Learning Alliance, to court after he found out his three-year-old son, Ayaan, had eaten non-halal chicken last month. That followed an incident last November, where Mr Shukoor visited the nursery to find his son eating ham from a bowl of pasta.

Mr Shukoor, of Paget Street, who feels staff didn’t do enough to prevent his son eating food forbidden by his religion, met with representatives of the charity on Friday.

He said: “I think they did a poor job last time. It seems they just brushed everything under the carpet.

“Since the story came out, I have had a lot of feedback from the community, and they seem to be behind me 100 per cent.”

A Pre School Learning Alliance spokesman said: “As part of the investigation into the allegations made against Strong Close Day Nursery, our representative has met with Mr Shukoor and reassured him we are committed to a full and thorough investigation.

“We will continue to liaise closely with Mr Shukoor and his family to help bring this matter to a satisfactory conclusion.”

School governing body Ofsted has also been made aware of the allegations.

Strong Close Nursery School has asked us to point out Mr Shukoor’s complaint refers to Strong Close Day Nursery, which shares the same site.

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