London shopkeepers threatened with 40 lashes for selling alcohol

After the conviction of the ‘Muslim Patrol’ who were jailed at the Old Bailey for repeatedly trying to enforce Sharia law in East London, restaurants and shops in one of London’s most popular locations for office Christmas parties, have been warned they face 40 lashes if they continue selling alcohol.

This is outrageous! The fact that the Police along with the Government are so PC will mean that this intimidation will go unchecked. If Christians started preaching in the Streets of any Muslim Country, they would get arrested, imprisoned or killed.

According to the Vatican and several human rights groups, a staggering 100,000 Christians are killed annually because of their faith and this anti-Christian violence is on the rise in countries like Pakistan, Nigeria and Egypt.

However, back in the UK we seems to be oblivious to this fact and alow Isalmic preachers to go unchecked. One of these is Anjem Choudary, who delivered warning letter to Muslim-owned businesses in Brick Lane in East London. He said:

“Alcohol might be allowed in British law but it is banned under Islam,” said Mr Rahman. “We want Sharia law to be enforced in Britain.”

“We are hoping to raise awareness of the problems alcohol causes in society,” he said. “It is responsible for most violence, domestic abuse, date rape and rape that occurs.”

Whilst this response may have a some truth, it is a smoke screen to encourage the authorities to embrace Sharia law and for whole communities to come under the Isalmic control.

People drinking alcohol in the area have already been attacked by self-appointed “Muslim Patrols”. A demonstration by 60 men and women in burkhas organised by the Sharia Project and the Al Qaamah group was delayed by a counter-protest by a handful of members from the English Defence League.

Brick Lane had a large Jewish community up to the middle of the last century but the area is now mostly Bangladeshi.

Mr Choudary, who was the leader of the al-Muhajiroun group which was banned under terrorism laws, condemned mosques in the area for accepting money from worshipers who make money from the sale of alcohol.

On Monday he defended three men jailed last week for attacking drinkers while on a Muslim Patrol, describing them as “fantastic individuals”.

The vigilante group also terrorised couples who were holding hands in public and an “inappropriately dressed” women.

Tim Pearson, Director of The Way says: The problem we have today in Britain is that we have a weak Prime Minister, who has no core values and goes with the flow of opinion. We have seen this is the gay marriage agenda, Sunday trading, the persecution of Christians in the work place and the arrests of preachers on the streets of our Country.

When are the Christians in the UK going to wake up and take some action?

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