On June 19 The Daily Wire published an article, “California Islamist Activists Protest At Saudi Consulate In Support Of Terror-Linked Clerics.” Soon thereafter it was republished here at CounterIslamist.org with three additional photos. Here is a collection of 25 more photos taken at the June 2 event, presented in chronological order with additional commentary:
The protests did not begin at the stated time. Rather a group of six men prayed in front of the consulate as more people trickled in gradually.
The American flag was among the props utilized during the protest, in an effort to cast the event as in alignment with American ideals of freedom of expression. MAS sought to suggest the clerics scheduled for execution had merely been exercising what should have been their first amendment rights.
The ghost of Jamal Khashoggi, Muslim Brotherhood activist and antisemite, hung over the protests.
Meet Yasmeen Azam, assistant regional coordinator for MAS-GLA, holding the bullhorn below. As explained in the article she was one of the protest’s lead organizers and has been on the rise in Los Angeles Islamist circles in recent years.
The first person I recognized was Imad Bayoun, below, who had given a talk I attended at MAS’s West Coast convention in November. He is a regular lecturer for MAS and would lead chants during the protest and give a speech at the end.
On the right in the purple shirt is Shakeel Syed who has worked for the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California and is on the board of American Muslims for Palestine.
The protests saw individuals of all ages participate from youth to 20-somethings to Xers and boomers to elderly activists.
The only other organization to make an appearance at the event was the leftist anti-war activism group Code Pink, with one member in attendance.
One of the signs referenced the bone saw allegedly used to dismember Khashoggi.
The conflict between Saudi Arabia and the Houthi rebels in Yemen was brought up numerous times in chants as well as in an attention-grabbing sign.
As the protest neared its ending the activists gathered in a semi-circle around the consulate doors to hear speakers.
Syed (left) stood alongside Dr. Khaled Abou El Fadl (described by Daniel Pipes in 2004 as a “stealth Islamist”).
Bayoun (center) also offered a few words, most of which were difficult to hear. It appears he is more at home in a lecture hall talking theology than he is leading street protests.
Azam spoke next, the only woman to do so.
Closing prayers were chanted by Othman Rakha (center, holding his left hand up near his face) of the Islamic Center of Hawthorne.
The women mostly stood in the back...
...while the men had their place in the front.
Two MAS-GLA leaders (Director Tareq Purmul on the right) concluded the event by informing attendees about MAS and its future plans.