Metro met a federal judge’s deadline to install controversial ads at four stations Monday.
The American Freedom Defense Initiative sued last month for the right to display the ads in the Metro system. They read: “In Any War Between the Civilized Man and the Savage, Support the Civilized Man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad.”
“It is savagery, and calling attention to savagery is not hate,” said Pamela Geller, the creator of the campaign. “Calling attention to savagery is love.”
The transit agency resisted posting ads, which some view as anti-Muslim, because they coincided with an outbreak of deadly violence in the Middle East over an unrelated, anti-Muslim video on the Internet.
Citing free speech concerns, a U.S. District Court judge ruled the posters would go up by 5 p.m. Monday in the U Street, Georgia Avenue, Takoma Park and Glenmont stations.
“I will not sacrifice my freedom of speech so as not to offend savages,” Geller said. “It’s a ridiculous premise and it’s utterly un-American.”
In New York, some of the posters have been vandalized.