Mosque leader hails ‘jihad on extremism and bigotry’ following Islam exhibition

More than 1,200 people visited Hounslow Mosque to see an exhibition about the religion’s true values

More than 1,200 people visited a mosque in Hounslow in just four days to see an exhibition about Islam.

Hounslow Jamia Masjid and Islamic Centre, in Wellington Road South, Hounslow, teamed up with the youth charity HAAYA and the Islam Awareness Project to organise the ‘Tea and Tour’ open weekend between March 14 and 17.

Schoolchildren, leaders from other faiths and general members of the public poured into the mosque to learn more about Islam.

The exhibition included displays and artefacts representing the contribution of Muslim civilisation to the arts and sciences over hundreds of years.

The weekend was held to combat misconceptions about the religion and to address the threat of extremism. It culminated with an evening of speeches by Muslim scholars, followed by a public Q&A session.

The mosque’s secretary general Shafiq Rehman said: “We have been privileged to be able to invite and embrace our local community and we feel we have waged a jihad [a struggle] against extremism and bigotry via the best tool we have available to us - education.

“Education plays a key part in our fight against intolerance, it is to educate the Muslims and our fellow community members of what Islam truly stands for.”

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