Right wing party threatens to sue Town of Vincent over disallowed BBQ

The leader of a controversial right-wing political group is planning to sue the Town of Vincent council after it refused to allow them to hold a BBQ in the city.

Kim Vuga, who recently formed the Love Australia or Leave Party, said she put in an application to the council on Monday to hold a BBQ at Hyde Park on March 20 for people who were interested in joining the party.

The Queensland grandmother, who became a reality TV star after appearing on the SBS documentary Go Back To Where You Came From, was shocked when council bluntly knocked back her BBQ bid.

She said it refused to give her a reason, instead emailing her one line saying: “The City of Vincent Reserves the right to refuse an application for hire without assigning any reason for refusal.”

“It is disgraceful,” Ms Vuga told WAtoday. “Freedom of speech is dying in the country.

“We are looking at legal action, because it breaches the Anti-Discrimination Act. It is discriminative to not allow an event to go ahead on political judgement. “

Ms Vuga said a Vincent council staffer initially told her she would be sent a reason why her application was knocked back.

She was then told over the phone: “We just believe that the values and beliefs of the party are seriously misaligned to the long standing culturally accommodating and inclusive approach taken by city and council”.

“The council doesn’t represent the views of all the people in the area,” Ms Vuga said.

“I have many members of Love Australia or Leave Party in Perth who will be shocked to know that the council’s opinion and subsequent hall/facility hire is subject to ones political beliefs and to think that you think that you speak on behalf of the entire city, is absurd.”

Ms Vuga, who will run on an anti-Muslim, anti-immigration platform, said the group was now planning to protest outside Vincent council on March 20 at 2pm.

“After the protest, we will walk down to the park and have a BBQ,” she said.

“All Australians are welcome.”

The Townsville resident said the political party was planning to run candidates in the Senate at the next federal election.

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