Senator Jacqui Lambie has called for an immediate ban on burqas, saying such a ban is necessary for public safety.
The Palmer United Party Senator told SBS she supported comments made by Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi, whose tweet linking burqas and the largest terror raids in Australia’s history prompted a swift critique from both the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader.
Senator Lambie said she felt for the “poor women who are forced to wear the full-face covering” garments.
“I agree whole-heartedly with Senator Cory Bernadi’s comments - and call for an immediate and complete ban on the wearing of burqa’s in public,” she said.
“People can do want the want in the privacy of their own homes – but for the public safety of our children and families – remove the burqa. “
Her comments come in response to SBS inquiries about an image shared on the Senator’s Facebook page overnight.
The image, shown below, depicts a woman wearing a burqa and holding a gun.
Senator Lambie confirmed she shared the image, adding that hiding identity in public was now a “national security issue”.
Her comments come after calls by Prime Minister Tony Abbot for Australians to remember Thursday’s raids were about crime, not religion.
“The police actions yesterday were about crime,” he said.
“They weren’t about any particular religion or any particular community.”
Palmer United Party MP Clive Palmer declined commenting on Senator Lambie’s call, saying he was not aware of the push.
‘Vast majority of Australian Muslims are absolutely first class Australians’
Mr Abbott also commented that the “vast majority of Australian Muslims are absolutely first class Australians”, adding to his critique of the comments by Senator Bernadi.
The controversial tweet, slammed by both Mr Abbott and Bill Shorten, stated that the burqa was a “shroud of oppression” that is not right for Australia.
Mr Abbott dismissed the comment, stating that the raids were not about religion or clothing, while Mr Shorten gave a heavy critique of Senator Bernardi’s comments on Thursday.
Mr Shorten said Senator Bernadi should not be fuelling suspicion.
“Why on earth is this out of touch, out of line senator on a rampage with his ignorant and stupid comment?” he said.
“I was so frustrated and angry by those ignorant comments... I’m not sure that’s totally helpful.”