Spain’s ‘racist’ food banks hard to swallow

Valencia’s public prosecutor is looking to open a case against a far-right political party which gave out more than a thousand kilos (2,200 pounds) of food only to needy Spanish nationals in the city’s most multicultural neighbourhood.

España 2000, a far-right nationalist party with links to France’s Front National, has continued its line of racial hatred in the Spanish city Valencia by setting up a ‘Spanish-only’ soup kitchen in a neighbourhood where 30 percent of the population are immigrants.

Joan Calabuig, socialist spokesperson at Valencia’s Town Hall, labelled the news as “disgusting”, arguing that the city couldn’t “allow such shameful and discriminatory events to happen”.

Although nobody in the neighbourhood of Orriols has placed an official complaint, human rights groups are already claiming España 2000’s xenophobic approach goes against the Spanish Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Famed for slogans such as “Arabs no, Spain isn’t a zoo”, España 2000 holds most of its demonstrations in districts of Valencia with a high immigrant population.

Its party leader José Luis Roberto, also the head of Spain’s National Association of Brothel Owners (ANELA), has been accused of hate speech for calling Islam “a cancer in European society”.

The UK’s British National Party made international headlines recently for the very same reasons, after leader Nick Griffin said the party’s mobile “food banks” were for “indigenous Brits only.”

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