The political climate in Sweden is extreme. Whoever comes to the country and claims that he or she is from Syria gets permanent residency status and is allowed to fly in his whole family. The daily shootings, regular bombings and the fact that Sweden has become the country in the world with most rapes, only surpassed by South Africa, is not mentioned in the media or by the politicians. The only party that dares to speak out — the Swedish Democrats — is regularly attacked with bombs and arson attacks.
Recently, there was a demonstration against racism and Nazism, and the Swedish Democrats (I know several of them, happy and friendly people!) planned to join. AFA (the ironically named Anti Fascist Action), which falsely categorizes Swedish Democrats as Nazis, put up posters reading, “Stab a Nazi and rape his children!” and “Stay home today, Thoralf!”
For the record, Thoralf Alfsson of the Swedish Democrats stayed home for security reasons.