Schools linked to the Trojan Horse probecould be taken over by ‘superheads’, it has been claimed.
Four separate investigations are examining claims hardline Islamists have been trying to take control of some Birmingham schools through dirty tricks campaigns.
Education watchdog Ofsted and the Department for Education will deliver reports this summer, which are expected to put some schools into special measures.
Claims have now emerged stating ministers have approached heads of successful schools in Birmingham about taking over others linked to the Trojan Horse probe.
That could mean some schools being taken from council control and converted to academies - directly funded by central government - under the leadership of high-achieving head teachers.
Those schools caught up in the Trojan Horse claims which are already academies could be reassigned to other academy trusts.
Groups of outstanding schools like the Perry Beeches chain in Birmingham may have a role in the dramatic education shake-up, it was claimed.
Earlier this week it was revealed Birmingham City Council’s chief executive Mark Rogers had warned of a “firestorm” when the Ofsted reports are published.
At a meeting of school representatives he spoke of the possibility of “significant structural changes” within the education department.
The investigations into alleged extremism in some Birmingham schools was sparked by a supposed leaked document, first fully revealed by the Mail in March. It claimed there was a Trojan Horse conspiracy by a group wanting to impose a more hardline Muslim agenda on some schools.
Claims of extremism have been strongly denied by Park View School in Alum Rock, one of more than 20 schools under investigation.
The Park View Educational Trust issued a statement arguing that the response to the Trojan Horse document had created a climate which encouraged false allegations.
Accusations of religious extremism had been driven by “the settling of political scores” and disgruntled former staff, the trust claimed.