A cynic might say the Muslim Brotherhood will be elated over Barack Obama’s re-election, as now its American foot soldiers will be assured of an open invitation to the White House.
Meanwhile, a release from the Islamist organization, The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), states America was wise to reject “Islamophobic” candidates.
CAIR sees the GOP as anti-Muslim; it’s long list of “Islamophobic” candidates included all Republicans standing for the Senate and in local elections.
Many Muslims are overjoyed. One described the Obama victory as “awesome” on Facebook and noted it was “time now to steamroll over the hate mongers like America did!” American Muslims formed a core part of the faithful who overwhelmingly voted Obama in for a second term, though in numbers slightly below 2008 levels.
They now cheer for “their” man in the White House.
This despite the fact little came of the promises Obama made to them after his victory in 2008: closing Guantanamo, building bridges in the Middle East and bringing greater understanding between the Islamic world and the West.
Although Obama made conciliatory overtures to the Islamic world in 2009 when he spoke at Cairo University, and he has obviously been less hawkish than his predecessor, his record both domestically and internationally has brought little benefit for Muslims.
This does not mean that his policies have been irrational or ill-considered; merely that it is surprising so many Muslims still idolize him.
At home, Obama has supported the Patriot Act, a law many Muslims feel profiles them unfairly as potential terrorists. Obama also seemed to tacitly approve the New York City police force’s monitoring of Muslim activities.
Internationally, Obama has done nothing substantial to end the civil war in Syria, being content to express outrage from the sidelines.
Under Obama, the U.S. has increased its drone attacks on Afghan and Pakistan Taliban.
This infuriates the Pakistanis, as drones have unfortunately killed civilians on occasion.
While Obama’s agenda is not specifically anti-Muslim, many American Muslims nonetheless appear somewhat ignorant about these policies.
Along with Latinos and gays, Muslim Americans voted for Obama, ironically, because they see him as a protector of their civil liberties, despite his approval of the Patriot Act.
Whether he will meet their expectations in the next four years remains to be seen.
Some still hope he will stop the drone attacks on Pakistan and Afghanistan, bring the civil war in Syria to an end, and, of course, close Guantánamo.
Despite the drone attacks, Obama was clearly seen as a better choice for Muslims compared to Mitt Romney and the Republicans.
In addition, the contrast between Obama’s policies and those of his predecessor, George W. Bush, were obvious to many Muslims.
As one Texas-based Muslim activist put it: “To get one Osama bin Laden, our irresponsible President Bush destroyed a nation and a people. In contrast, President Obama got the guy with no collateral damage and no damage to bin Laden’s religion or the nation.” Romney had openly professed support for Israel, and Muslims perhaps perceived Romney’s international policies as standard Republican fare.
This defines Obama, once again, as the lesser of the two evils for Muslims.