Job Announcement: MEF Research Assistant

The Middle East Forum, a research institute based in Philadelphia, seeks a part-time (about 20 hours/week) who will mainly focus on the Islamist Watch Project.

Responsibilities of the Research Assistant:

  • Tracking activities of Islamist groups – Systemically monitor the activities of about 40 non-violent Islamist groups, by tracking their websites, social media and email lists. Provide weekly updates to MEF staff. Update monitoring spreadsheets/software. Possibly attend Islamist group events.
  • Tracking campaign donations of prominent Islamists – Manage the Islamist Money in Politics database; run names of prominent Islamists through federal and state campaign finance databases.

Candidate qualifications:

  • Knowledge and interest in Islamism, Middle East affairs, and civil liberties.
  • Agreement with the basic outlook of the Middle East Forum.
  • Accomplishments in public writing and/or speaking.
  • Standard computer skills.
  • An ability to take initiative, meet deadlines, show attention to details, and work simultaneously on multiple projects.


The successful candidate may work from anywhere. Location in the Boston-to-Washington corridor is a plus.

Employment status:

The Research Assistant is an independent contractor working part-time, someone over whom the Forum does not exercise control or direction concerning methods or hours. Rather, the Forum reviews and assesses work products and results. The Research Assistant is at liberty to take on other work in addition to Middle East Forum responsibilities.


Non-profit competitive. Reimbursement for pre-approved expenses.

To apply:

Prepare an application that includes:

  • A cover letter indicating your interests, qualifications, and goals.
  • A résumé or curriculum vitae.
  • Information about two research projects.

When the application is completed:

  • Bundle the entire application as a single document, preferably in Adobe Acrobat (Word is also acceptable).
  • Title it with your name in reverse order, without spacing, as in “ChurchillWinston”.
  • Attach the document to an e-mail and send it to
  • Put “Application for Islamist Watch Assistant” in the e-mail subject line.

About the Middle East Forum and Islamist Watch:

Information on the Middle East Forum: The Forum, founded in 1994 and headed by Daniel Pipes, accomplishes its mission in three ways:

Intellectually, by providing information, context, and policy advice through its publications, websites, and lectures;

Operationally, by exerting direct influence through its projects (such as Islamist Watch), each addressing a specific problem; and

Philanthropically, by annually distributing $2 million of dedicated Education Fund monies.

See for more information.

Information on Islamist Watch: Islamist Watch protects Western values by unveiling and combating non-violent “lawful Islamism” through research, dissemination and activism. While violent Jihad gets the headlines, lawful Islamism gets results. It exploits the freedoms of Western society incrementally to undermine from within. Sophisticated and often well-funded, lawful Islamists use political, educational and legal means to eat away at the foundations of Western society, including religious pluralism, freedom of speech and equality under the law. See for more information.

Islamist Watch achieves its objectives by:

  • Performing research and analysis, finding common themes in disparate events.
  • Tracking activities and campaign donations of Islamist groups.
  • Countering corporate support of Islamists groups.
  • Opposing governmental cooperation with Islamist groups.
  • Helping law enforcement identify Islamist markings.
  • Publishing blogs and articles; making media appearances.
  • Briefing government officials and members of Congress.
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