Job Announcement: Washington Project Director

The Middle East Forum (MEF), a research institute based in Philadelphia with an annual budget of $4 million, seeks a full-time, Washington, DC-based government relations and advocacy professional to lead its efforts to educate policy and opinion makers about the Forum’s work.


MEF efforts include the following:

  • Change the U.S. government’s definition of a “Palestine refugee” in its dealings with UNRWA –Limit the designation “Palestine refugee” to individuals who actually fled Palestine in 1948-49, who do not have a nationality, and who do not live in the West Bank or Gaza. For the logic of this effort and its implications, see Daniel Pipes, “‘Eventually, All Humans Will Be Palestine Refugees’.”
  • Ending taxpayer funded bias on college campuses – Inform Congress about the need to adjust the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) so that taxpayer monies spent on Middle East studies fund diverse and balanced perspectives.
  • Teaching Law Enforcement about Jihad – Inform Congress about (1) requiring the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to include information about Islamism in its counter-jihad training for law enforcement and (2) forbidding DHS cooperation with Islamist groups.
  • Protecting free speech about Islam – Make Congress aware of ideas circulating to close down the right freely to discuss Islam in public. For example, Obama administration officials who have suggested that “offensive” speech about Islam be criminally prosecuted and the senior Democratic Party advisor who called for “limits of First Amendment and free speech” vis-à-vis Islam.


Policy and Advocacy (40%): Develop and implement MEF’s policy advocacy plan, identify priority areas and points of intervention, craft position statements, and coordinate MEF campaigns.

Networking (30%): Build relationships with members of Congress and their staff, with government employees (including law enforcement officials), with research centers, and the general public. Represent MEF in coalitions and at events.

Communications (20%): Develop and implement a communications plan to broaden awareness of MEF’s work; promote the MEF agenda through writings, media appearances, and in-person addresses; and engage in outreach on Capitol Hill. Handle inquiries about MEF.

Administration (10%): Keep MEF leadership informed of your work; provide information on your accomplishments for fundraising purposes.

Candidate qualifications
  • Basic agreement with MEF’s outlook.
  • An understanding of policy, politics, advocacy, and the legislative process.
  • Deep familiarity with the issues and extensive experience with this kind of work as well as existing connections in Washington, D.C.
  • Ability to present arguments in writing and in person.
  • A readiness to take initiatives and to set tasks without daily supervision.


Washington, D.C.

Employment status

Independent contractor.


Non-profit competitive.

Next steps:

Prepare an application that includes:

  • A cover letter indicating your interests, qualifications, and goals.
  • A résumé or curriculum vitae.
  • Names of three references.
  • Salary requirements.

When the application is completed:

  • Bundle the entire application as a single document, preferably in Adobe Acrobat (Word is also acceptable).
  • Title it with your name in reverse order, without spacing, as in “ChurchillWinston”.
  • Attach the document to an e-mail and send it to
  • Put “Application for Washington Project Director” in the e-mail subject line.

The application deadline is October 18 at 5 p.m. EDT.

About the Middle East Forum:

The Middle East Forum, founded in 1994 and headed by Daniel Pipes, defines its mission as promoting American interests. It does so in three ways:

  • Intellectually, by providing information, context, and policy advice through its publications, websites, and lectures.
  • Operationally, by exerting direct influence through its projects, each addressing a specific problem.
  • Philanthropically, by annually distributing $2 million of dedicated Education Fund monies.

See for more information.

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