Lazar Berman

Milstein Writing Fellow

Lazar Berman is the diplomatic correspondent at the Times of Israel, where he also covers Christian Affairs. He holds an M.A. in Security Studies from Georgetown University and taught at Salahuddin University in Iraqi Kurdistan. Berman is a reserve captain in the IDF’s Commando Brigade and served in a Bedouin unit during his active service.

Articles by this Author
The Bulk of Hezbollah’s Capabilities Remains Intact, and Maneuvering IDF Troops Will Face Anti-tank Missiles, Mines, and Drones — Not to Mention Tunnels
Israel is hoping stunning tactical achievements will head off war against Hezbollah, but defeating the organization requires a different approach.
The Decision on the Next Stage of the Fight Remains in Nasrallah’s Hands
Israel Believed Hamas Had Already Revealed Most of Its Own Potential Threats, and That These Were Largely Under Control
The IDF and the Home Front Are Weary, and a Military Offensive Against Hezbollah Won’t Defeat the Terror Organization
The Visibility of Ties with Bahrain, Morocco, and the UAE Has Changed Since Hamas’s Attacks on October 7, but Israel’s Newest Arab Partners Remain Committed to Strategic Choice