Originally published under the title “Leading Muslim Group Calls for Ramadan ‘Jihad’ Alongside Trump, Farage, May Headshots.”
The Muslim Public Affairs Council UK (MPACUK) has had enough of U.S. President Donald Trump and others. |
A self-described “leading” Muslim group is fundraising on the back of “jihad” in the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, using pictures of President Donald Trump, Brexit leader Nigel Farage, UK Prime Minister Theresa May, and UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on its material.
The Muslim Public Affairs Council UK (MPACUK) issued a tweet at 1:30pm EST on Monday May 29th with an alleged hadith (story/quote) from the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. It reads: “The best Jihad is the word of Justice in front of the oppressive ruler.”
The tweet, which follows with “This Ramadan Help Us Fight the Good Fight!” as well as “Money = Manpower = ACTION” comes just days after a violent Islamic terrorist killed 22 and injured dozens outside the Manchester Arena in the United Kingdom.
The quote is — as much of the Quran and hadiths are — disputed amongst scholars to its precise meaning, though some agree it means “speak truth to power.” The progenitor of the hadith is also believed to have fabricated information. It is also unclear how Mr. Farage, pictured above (second from left), could be considered a “tyrant” while holding no executive office, and indeed how UK PM Theresa May would fit, given her repeated declarations in favour of Islam.
Some may reflect upon the insensitivity of promoting a word or belief system that was used just days before to slaughter innocent people in the West.
Islamic groups in the United Kingdom have also noted how “oppression” or “oppressive rulers” simply means any legal system besides Shariah law, established under an Islamic caliphate.
For UK Islamic groups, ‘oppression’ or ‘oppressive rulers’ simply means any legal system besides Shariah.
The Islamist group Hizb-ut Tahrir UK notes on its websiteconcerning the quote: “We have tried so called ‘democracy’ in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Iraq and we have seen the fruits. Whereas in the past one tyrant and his family would loot the wealth, now we have a whole cabal of so-called ‘democrats’ who are looting our wealth and pushing our countries into sectarian chaos.”
They add: “‘Democracy’ is nothing more than a mirage that the West trumpets to give people the feeling that there is change. They only allow democracy if elections bring to power those they want. Zardari, Hasina, Karzai, Maliki and Erdogan are the products of this democracy. Elections in a system that is so inherently corruptible does nothing more than to give legitimacy to those who serve Western interests.”
Lastly, the group notes: “The Ummah needs and is crying for change. This change will only come when we go back to our basis as an Ummah – that is Islam. Establishing the Islamic system of government – the Khilafah – is the only way that this Ummah can regain her position as a nation amongst nations.”
MPACUK itself is known for a series of controversies, ranging from anti-Semitism and Holocaust denigration to the group’s former leader Ashgar Bukhari giving money to Holocaust denier David Irving, and subsequently claiming that “Zionists” had stolen one of his shoes in the night.
The group is now believed to be run by Labour Party consort Raza Nadim, who has defended Al Qaeda terrorists and lashed out at “Uncle Toms” in Muslim communities. The group’s website even hosts a post claiming that the “Uncle Tom” racial slur is perfectly acceptable for those who challenge Islam and Islamism.
The link in MPACUK’s tweet takes readers to a LaunchGood crowdfunding page, where they claim to be seeking 20,000 GBP ($25,000 USD) in order to build an “Anti-Islamophobia Nerve Centre.”
The website quotes Sulaiman Ghani, a preacher who backs the idea of an Islamic caliphate, and has previously targeted Ahmadiyya Muslims who are routinely oppressed by Sunnis in the United Kingdom and abroad.
The “nerve centre” is reportedly supposed to “mobilis[e] 10,000 Muslims across the UK and take part in social media storms that would push [politicians and the media] onto the back foot and make them accountable to [MPAC].”
Raheem Kassam is a Shillman-Ginsburg fellow at the Middle East Forum and editor-in-chief of Breitbart London.