Should Israel Strike Iran’s Nuclear Program?

MEF Chief Editor Jim Hanson Says Yes

MEF Chief Editor told FOX News that there may never be a better time to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities. Iran believes Israel will do it so they are likely to accelerate their efforts, that pushes Israel to act sooner rather than later as well.

Iran’s proxies are a threat to Israel. A nuclear-armed Islamic Republic is an existential one and to the rest of the world as well. Jim Hanson, MEF Chief Editor, spoke to FOX News this morning. He made the case that since Iran believes Israel will attack its nuclear program they are likely accelerating their efforts to finish a nuclear device. That means Israel must act accordingly.

Transcript from today’s segment.

FOX: Joe Biden and senior aides have urged Israel to avoid direct attacks on Iran’s nuclear facilities. But you say they should probably do it. Take a hit now.

Hanson: Absolutely. I think the the problem that we’ve run into is Iran believes that Israel is going to hit their nuclear facilities. Consequently, they are incented to speed up whatever they’re doing to get to a working nuclear device.

That leads Israel to believe that their timeline is compressing as well. So you get a self-fulfilling prophecy, and at some level, the only existential threat to Israel is a nuclear-armed Iran.The Houthis, the Hezbollah,and Hamas terrorists are never going to take down the state of Israel.So they can either keep treating the symptoms or they can go for the cause of the disease, which is the Islamic Republic of Iran.

FOX: Right. Your point is they should use it. Iran should use it or lose it because ultimately Israel could come after them. And Israel, Jim, may never get another opportunity to go after them like they’ve got right now.

Hanson: Yeah, they’re riding high. They were, they were on their heels when the attack of October 7th, that horrific attack occurred and the war against Hamas led to a lot of public opinion against them. But their take out of some of the leaders of both Hamas and Hezbollah and Operation Below the Belt have have given them a renewed sense of the potential for victory.

And I think the time is now they can’t afford to wait for the potential of a Harris administration that might be even less friendly to Israel. And they’re they’re looking at the the Biden continuation of the Obama policy that Harris would probably exaggerate. That they believe that Iran is part of the solution, not the problem. They can’t afford that delusional, you know, belief, and they need to protect their state.

FOX: And we’ve got a graphic that shows that Iran’s approaching major nuclear capabilities. They’ve got enough uranium to make 15 nuclear weapons within the next five or six months or something like that. Jim, strategically, though, was it smart for Joe Biden to essentially take a hit on Iran’s nuclear facilities off the table?

Hanson: Well, Joe said don’t to Iran, and we saw how that worked for them. I think telling Bibi Netanyahu no is going to have about the same effect. He’s not interested in Joe’s lack of leadership or, as I said, the possibility that we could have an administration even less friendly.

He has to look at is this the correct time? Is Iran going to become a greater threat? And should they do what everyone knows they have to do at some point in time and go for as much of a devastating strike to destroy and turn as much of the Iran’s nuclear program into smoking rubble as they can and make the whole world a safer place in the process?

FOX: Let’s see what they do. Jim Hanson, Sir, thank you very much.

Jim Hanson is Chief Editor for the Middle East Forum. He previously served in U.S. Army Special Forces and conducted counterterrorism, counterinsurgency and foreign internal defense operations in more than two dozen countries. He is the author of several books including “Winning the Second Civil War - Without Firing a Shot” and “Cut Down the Black Flag - A Plan to Defeat ISIS”.
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