MEF’s Legal Project Funds a Major Victory in Canada

Djemila Benhabib was sued for criticizing the “indoctrination” of students at a Muslim private school.

PHILADELPHIA – Jan. 5, 2017 – A Quebec Superior Court has found feminist author Djemila Benhabib not guilty of defamation for telling a radio host that the Muslim School of Montreal gives its students “an indoctrination worthy of military camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan.”

“From now on freedom of expression will be better off in our democratic society,” said Ms. Benhabib. “In helping me, the Middle East Forum’s Legal Project has played such an important part in that matter.”

In 2012 radio interviews, Ms. Benhabib criticized the school for teaching “extremely violent” and “misogynistic” Koranic verses to students, and for “spreading a message of hatred.” She said the school “is creating fundamentalist activists who in a few years will be demanding accommodations and all sorts of bizarre things.”

Ms. Benhabib also blasted the school for creating an alternate society “where women walk behind men with their heads down ... and men are probably going to commit honor crimes against their sisters.”

The school sued Ms. Benhabib for CAD 95,000. The Legal Project helped fund her legal defense.

According to Marc-André Nadon, Ms. Benhabib’s attorney, “The Superior Court’s decision will undeniably have a substantial impact ... on the right to comment on and to criticize religious beliefs and education.”

The Legal Project protects the public discussion of Islam and related topics in the West, by assisting victims of predatory lawsuits and malign legislation.

The Middle East Forum promotes American interests through activist, intellectual, and philanthropic efforts.

For immediate release
For more information, contact:
Gregg Roman, Director

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