“Nuremberg cancels children’s carnival,” the BILD reports.
Threats have forced the German city to cancel the Rose Monday children’s carnival parade. The reason: the terrorists named potential targets, including carnival parades. No carnival in Munich.
“Ramadan instead of carnival: the failure of the multicultural project,” writes Anna Diouf with the necessary irony.
In cities across Europe, concrete bollards are intended to prevent cars with famous mentally disturbed people at the wheel from hurtling into the celebrating crowd. In places where this is not possible or where fear of attacks prevails, parades and events are canceled, as in Nuremberg.
Threats have forced Nuremberg to cancel the Rose Monday children’s carnival parade. The reason: the terrorists named potential targets, including carnival parades.
For several years, Jews in Germany have been advised not to be recognizable on the street with yarmulkes, fringes, and words in Hebrew.
While carnival revelers and fools have to limit themselves, Ramadan can take place undisturbed. And so in a Germany stunned by the attacks, Islam turns on its lights. There must be a moment when we understand the logic of multicultural madness. And this should be one of them.
The traditional carnival parade in Kempten has been cancelled because there are not enough concrete barriers and the high costs of the alternative measures are not “sustainable”.
Beatrice Achterberg, editor of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, attacks the appeasement of Islam: “Now that Germany has been shaken by several terrorist attacks, often of Islamist origin. Perhaps it is more a sign of submission than of tolerance”.
All this is accepted as the new “normal”. And since the famous “local customs” have to adapt, Ramadan can be celebrated undisturbed, with the lights of Ramadan in Frankfurt, Cologne and Berlin.
That’s how the West is. Culture is being sold off. And suddenly there is nothing more important than culture, but of course not your own, but foreign culture.
And in the context of the global rise of political Islam, the dispossession of European culture is an act of grabbing tolerated with great naivety.
The model is London, which under the leadership of its Muslim mayor embarked on this type of Islamization last year and inaugurated the Ramadan lighting near the famous Piccadilly Circus.
More Ramadan lights in London, while it is “winter holiday” in France instead of Christmas.
One day they will introduce Ramadan as a national religious holiday in Europe.
Frankfurt has lit up the historic center for the Islamic holy month. For 30 days, the words “Happy Ramadan” will shine on the Freßgass. “We are showing that Muslim life is a natural part of our city, Frankfurt stands for diversity and openness,” said Mayor Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg (Greens). In light of the election results, with over 20 percent for the AfD, it is particularly important this year to “prove that everyone belongs in Frankfurt”.
Frankfurt has lit up the historic center for the Islamic holy month. For 30 days, the words “Happy Ramadan” will shine on the Freßgass.
This “Happy Ramadan” shows the full extent of the uncultured “monotony” that has taken hold in the mind of the progressive intellectual idiot. In a society of idiots, absurdity becomes a success.
Eskandari-Grünberg is wrong: if we were multicultural, Carnival could be celebrated peacefully, respecting the normal security measures. Then we would not have to worry about Islamic terrorism. But now we live in the intoxication of green diversity.
Cologne is also celebrating Ramadan for the first time. The same city that erases the iconic cathedral from its new logo that comes after the mayor’s decision to allow the Islamic call to prayer in the city from 50 mosques.
A mother, in this best Germany ever, does not want her 9-year-old daughter to go on a school trip to the large mosque in Cologne-Ehrenfeld. The management of the elementary school in Longerich threatens the mother with consequences. “I was immediately threatened that my daughter would not be allowed to participate in any more trips,” the 36-year-old mother tells Express.de about the school’s reaction.
In a supposedly Christian country, if you do not want to send your child on a trip to the mosque, you are now punished. And the Catholic Church of St. Theodore in Cologne has contributed to the Islamization of the city by financing Erdogan’s mosque, in the name of an imaginary interreligious dialogue.
Even Munich is illuminated for Ramadan, a few weeks after the Islamist attack. In Munich, the lighting serves to promote the “normalization of Islamic holidays”, according to the city.
They say it openly.
For the first time in Berlin, in the Mitte district, Ramadan lights have been installed. Mayor Stefanie Remlinger (Greens) announced it. The Tiergarten town hall is also festively lit. A break in the fast is planned in Leopoldplatz.
For the first time in Berlin, in the Mitte district, Ramadan lights have been installed. The Tiergarten town hall is also festively lit. A break in the fast is planned in Leopoldplatz.
Christian Thielemann, the great conductor who should have been appointed to lead the Berlin Philharmonic, the first German sixty years after Wilhelm Furtwängler, was right, but the accusation of being “Islamophobic” cost him his job. Asked whether Islam belonged to Germany, Thielemann said: “Perhaps one day Christianity will belong to Turkey again and Judaism to the Arab world. But until then we have to be able to say no, without being seen as fascists.”
That’s how we talk and think. But it takes courage. Better to join the multicultural fools’ party.
On January 30, Salwan Momika, an Iraqi Christian refugee, was shot dead in his “safe house” in Södertälje, a suburb of Stockholm, while he was recording a live broadcast on social media in which he defended the right to criticize the Koran in the name of freedom of expression.
Swedish philosopher and artist Alexander Bard told Le Point: “Salwan Momika’s murder is an absolute disgrace. He was the country’s most obvious target: a Christian who fled Iraq after surviving the Islamic State, and yet no one is protecting him va. His act of burning the Koran, which is perfectly legal in Sweden, was intended to draw attention to a fundamental problem. Today I am ashamed, deeply ashamed to be Swedish. This murder reveals the extreme weakness of our culture. The worst thing is that Salwan Momika is not an isolated case. It is precisely people from the Arab world who now feel most threatened in the West. Take Luai Ahmed, a Yemeni, openly gay and totally opposed to Islam. He had to flee his country, but he is not safe in Sweden either. That is why our current crisis is so serious.”
Bard speaks of a spiritual crisis. “Sweden is fascinating because it is very, very consistent in its ideology. Christianity is literally dead here. We didn’t even need pedophiles to kill Christianity. It is dead. Poof, gone. The churches, if they still exist, are completely empty. This means that the state ideology has become the only ideology in Sweden.”
“Sweden is facing a cultural schizophrenia with the arrival of a population that today numbers one to two million people, or 20 percent of the total. Proportionately, Sweden is probably the country in the world with the highest ratio of immigration to population. However, of these 10 million inhabitants, 2 million do not adhere to the official ideology at all, but take advantage of it. France, Sweden, any European country can explode at any moment, precisely because we know nothing about these subcultures. Europe would do well to learn from the current situation in Sweden.
Only 3 percent of Swedes believe that being Christian is an important part of their national identity, while 91 percent of Iraqis, one of the largest groups of migrants in Sweden, support Islamic law.
“What is happening there is a warning to the rest of the continent. This is the greatest danger that Europe faces today. In Sweden, it was not only Salwan Momika who had to flee, but also many others. In recent years, Jews have also left the country in large numbers, precisely because they no longer feel safe. For the first time in a long time, one can ask whether the principles of the Enlightenment are not really in danger. The last time they were threatened was in the 1940s, with the rise of fascism. Today the threat takes another form. That of Islamism.”
Only 3 percent of Swedes believe that being Christian is an important part of their national identity, while 91 percent of Iraqis, one of the largest groups of migrants in Sweden, support Islamic law. What is striking about a recent Gallup poll is the way it presents the contrast between first-world and third-world nations over theocracy. And that will have some weight, given that in a few years a third of Sweden will be Islamic.
But make yourself comfortable: Ikea, the Swedish giant, has just launched its Ramadan line.
Our freedom is being reduced to choosing which sofa to buy.
Published originally under the title “Ramadan Instead of a Carnival: They Call It Multiculturalism.”