Baby Muhammad Takes Over Much of Europe

‘We Must Have More Children than the Christians … to Destroy Them Here’

A Muslim woman pushing her baby carriage down Camden High Street, London, July 3, 2021. 'Muhammad' is now the most popular name for newborn baby boys in England and Wales.

A Muslim woman pushing her baby carriage down Camden High Street, London, July 3, 2021. ‘Muhammad’ is now the most popular name for newborn baby boys in England and Wales.


“Muhammad” is now the most popular name for newborn baby boys in England and Wales, according to a report released on December 5 by the United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics.

It is, perhaps, worth remembering that 17 years ago, a report warned that “Muslim hate fanatics plan to take over Britain by having more babies and forcing a population explosion. ... The swollen Muslim population would be enough to conquer Britain from inside.”

Here in the United States, in 2019, Muhammad made the top 10 baby names.

Baby Muhammads are, in fact, taking over all of Western Europe (once a bastion against Muhammad). According to a 2023 report,

The first name Mohammed has gained popularity in Germany in the past year…. In Berlin, Mohammed was the most popular first name for boys in 2022. Last year he had ranked third…. In Bremen, the first name Mohammed has moved up from third place to second place…. In Hesse, too, the name of the Muslim prophet is on the rise. There he fought his way from eighth to third place.

Later, Layla

Muhammad is the most popular name in major Belgian cities — including Brussels, the EU capital; Oslo, the capital of Norway; and in the Netherlands’ largest cities, including Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, and Utrecht.

This is to say nothing of other Arabic/Muslim names, which are also topping the charts for newborn babies. According to a 2015 report, in the UK,

There is a surge in Arabic names generally, with Nur a new entry in the girls’ top 100, jumping straight to number 29, and Maryam rising 59 places to number 35. Omar, Ali, and Ibrahim are new to the boys’ top 100.

Even outside Europe, according to a Sept. 11, 2023 report, “Muhammad” is the most popular name for newborn baby boys in Israel (followed by Adam, Joseph, and David).

Here in the United States, in 2019, Muhammad made the top 10 baby names. “Arabic names are on the rise this year,” the BabyCenter said, “with Muhammad and Aaliyah entering the top 10 and nudging Mason and Layla off.”

Contributing to the Jihad

All this may seem innocuous enough. After all, what’s in a name?

On the other hand, because more numbers equate more power and influence, many Muslims see their progeny as their contribution to the jihad — the ancient “struggle” to make Islam supreme.

A 2022 video of Muslims and Danes quarreling in Denmark makes this clear. In the video, one Muslim man can be heard yelling the following to a Dane:

We have five children, you only have one or two. In 10 to 15 years there will be more Pakistanis than Danes in this country!… The Danes are five million, soon you’ll be exterminated. Look at the Swedes, look at the Norwegians, look at the Finns, man! We are multiples [of] millions, man!

The clamorous Muslim goes on to accuse Europeans of preferring bestiality to marriage — hence their dearth of children. Soon other Muslims chime in. One says, “I just got married and will also have five children.” Others start yelling about how the Danes’ “mothers will be pregnant again,” because their mothers and sisters are “whores” (who presumably sleep around with the Muslims). Others chant, “This isn’t Denmark anymore, this is Paki-land,” repeated several times: “We are taking over your country.”

A Pew report says the Muslim population of Europe is set to triple by 2050 — just when all those baby Muhammads are coming of age.

This kind of thinking has a long pedigree. “We have 50 million Muslims in Europe,” Muammar Gaddafi said back in 2006, before more realistically adding, “There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe — without swords, without guns, without conquest — will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.”

Ongoing reports and polls suggest this long-cherished Muslim dream may not be so farfetched. One Pew report found that one out of every three people on Earth is set to be a Muslim by 2070. Another Pew report says the Muslim population of Europe is set to triple by 2050 — just when all those baby Muhammads are coming of age.

‘We’ll Breed Them Out’

In Germany, about 20% of the population is set to be Muslim by 2050; Austria too. Considering that the average Muslim man is more zealous about his way of and purpose in (Islamic) life than the average German male, 20% may be more than enough for an Islamic takeover of Germany — and certainly enough to create mass havoc.

Incidentally, this “baby jihad” can be achieved with either Muslim or non-Muslim (infidel) women. As an example of the latter, a Muslim imam was once videotaped saying that, because European men lack virility, their women seek fertility among Muslim men:

We will give them fertility! We will breed children with them, because we will conquer their countries! Whether you like it or not, you Germans, Americans, French, and Italians and all those akin to you [Western people] — take in the refugees. For soon we will call them [and their Western-born sons] in the name of the coming caliphate! And we will say to you, ‘These are our sons.’

Similarly, the diary of Patrick Kabele, an African Muslim man living in Britain who was arrested for trying to join the Islamic State had references that only likeminded Muslims would understand: in an effort, as the aforementioned imam said, to use European women as incubators and “breed children with them,” Kabele noted that he had been “seeding some women over here, UK white,” adding, “I dont [sic] kiss anymore.” (Unlike straightforward mating, kissing is deemed an intimate act, and Muslims, in keeping with the doctrine of “love and hate” (or al-wala’ w’al-bara’) must always hate non-Muslims — even when copulating with or being married to them.

Even so, Muslim women remain the primary incubators for this demographic jihad — and many of them see it as their obligation.

This same strategy is being used in the Muslim world against Christian minorities. Unlike in the West, however, where women freely give themselves to Muslims, Christian minorities are seized and seeded by Muslim men.

Even so, Muslim women remain the primary incubators for this demographic jihad — and many of them see it as their obligation. A Christian Eritrean volunteer and translator who worked in migrant centers in Germany and was often assumed to be Muslim once confessed that “Muslim migrants often confide in her and tell her about their dislike towards Christians,” and that “a number of the Muslim migrants she has spoken to have revealed a hatred for Christians and are determined to destroy the religion.” How they plan on doing this is telling:

Some women told me, ‘We will multiply our numbers. We must have more children than the Christians because it’s the only way we can destroy them here.’”

Meanwhile, not only do many Western Europeans seem to care little about any of this, but some are even glad to see their own kind die off and be replaced by Muslims — such as Dr. Stefanie von Berg, who exulted before the German parliament:

Mrs. President, ladies and gentlemen. Our society will change. Our city will change radically. I hold that in 20, 30 years there will no longer be a [German] majority in our city. …. And I want to make it very clear, especially towards those right wingers: This is a good thing!

Raymond Ibrahim, a specialist in Islamic history and doctrine, is the author of Defenders of the West: The Christian Heroes Who Stood Against Islam (2022); Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West (2018); Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians (2013); and The Al Qaeda Reader (2007). He has appeared on C-SPAN, Al-Jazeera, CNN, NPR, and PBS and has been published by the New York Times Syndicate, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, the Financial Times, the Weekly Standard, the Chronicle of Higher Education, and Jane’s Islamic Affairs Analyst. Formerly an Arabic linguist at the Library of Congress, Ibrahim guest lectures at universities, briefs governmental agencies, and testifies before Congress. He has been a visiting fellow/scholar at a variety of Institutes—from the Hoover Institution to the National Intelligence University—and is the Judith Friedman Rosen Fellow at the Middle East Forum and the Distinguished Senior Shillman Fellow at the Gatestone Institute.
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