Recently media coverage of Syria has focused on attacks on the new Syrian government by Alawite insurgents and the mobilisation of forces towards the Syrian coast—events that led to the killing of hundreds of Alawites. The Islamic State has seized on this media coverage to comment on these events, the status of Syria’s minorities in general and the new government’s position towards them.
In summary, the editorial emphasises that Islam does not divide people into majorities and minorities, but rather according to whether they are disbelievers or believers. In turn, the disbelievers can be divided into ‘warring’ (i.e. those whom it is legitimate to fight and kill), the ‘dhimmi’ (the ‘People of the Book’ who agree to pay the poll tax and live under an Islamic state), the disbeliever who has some pact with the Islamic state, or the ‘musta’min’ (a disbeliever who is granted immunity for temporary residence in an Islamic state- e.g. for the purpose of business transactions).
The editorial attacks the new Syrian government for trying to emphasise a conciliatory approach towards the Alawite community-
The editorial attacks the new Syrian government (dubbed the ‘regime’, while its supporters are dubbed ‘shabiha’ on analogy with the dubbing of supporters of the old Assad regime as ‘shabiha’) for trying to emphasise a conciliatory approach towards the Alawite community- when the community is an ‘apostate’ sect that needs to be dealt with as such according to the fatwas of Ibn Taymiyya and other scholars, whose rulings were previously emphasised in the discourse of insurgents and jihadists opposed to the Assad regime. In the attacks on the new Syrian government, the Alawite community (consistently referred to as ‘Nusayris’ in a derogatory sense, referring to Muhammad bin Nusayr as the reputed founder of the sect) has proven it is unwilling to live under the new Syrian government, which itself has chosen the path of obstructing the rule of Islam, a nationalist vision, and submission to the ‘international system.’
In addition, the editorial also attacks the supposed inconsistency of the new government and its supporters in concluding an agreement with the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) when the SDF was previously attacked as being a proxy for America etc. Finally, the reference to the ‘constitutional declaration’ (i.e. the newly announced interim constitution) suggests that the editorial was likely updated just hours before this week’s issue of the Islamic State’s newsletter.
Blowing up the minority and sectarianism!
The bloody battles on the Syrian coast between the shabiha of the prior and current regimes have blown away the slogans of “Co-existence,” “civil peace” and “national unity” that they cracked our heads with and wanted to serve as a constitution for organising relations, far removed from Islam. These slogans failed at the first test for them, and it has become apparent that the narrative of the Syrian Taghut regarding “victory without bloodshed” has drowned in a blessing of bloodshed!
The events have proven again the correctness of the Islamic State’s view in its dealing with sects of disbelief and apostasy that they today call minorities, which were and still are a means of leverage for the Jewish and Crusader invaders, who divide the land of Islam through them and wage war on the Muslims through them.
For the Alawite Nusayris had a ‘state’ established for them by Crusader France when they invaded al-Sham, serving their interests and divisionary policies, and promoted the concept of “Alawites” in order to deceive the masses who had an aversion to the “Nusayris,” aiming to integrate them and export them in the region. They succeeded in this after a dubious fatwa from the Arab nationalist mufti Amin al-Husayni that was published in the “People’s Newspaper of Damascus” on 22 Muharram 1355 AH, which said: “These Alawites are Muslims, because they are brothers in the path, and their origins in the religion are one!” From the day of the fatwa of the “Mufti of al-Quds” until the time of the “al-Quds axis” the Muslims have been slaughtered at the table of the Alawite Nusayri Rafidites.
The events have proven again the correctness of the Islamic State’s view in its dealing with sects of disbelief and apostasy that they today call minorities.
Despite the flattery and sycophancy the new regime has engaged in towards the immoral disbelieving Nusayris and the attempt to disassociate them from the quality of “tashbih” and depict them as “partners, brothers and free people,” they seized upon the first opportunity made available for them, rebelled against it and killed its soldiers without compassion, mercy or tolerance.
In the field, the events have constituted a security and military failure for the half-breed apostate army that has departed from its “nationalist instructions and slogans” in dealing with minorities, going from “amnesty” to “massacre.” This prompted its leaders to impute responsibility for what happened to the people by describing them as “unorganised popular mobilisations”- after they initially praised their “mobilisation to provide help.” Then they set up courts to punish these people subsequently, and announced the formation of an “investigation committee” aiming to disavow responsibility before “those who may be concerned” from among the international community, and impute responsibility to the foreign fighters who dream of naturalisation contrary to the law of “Syrian citizenship” that is sanctified by the new and old regime.
As for the revolutionary media, they have become preoccupied with talking about the reasons for the events from a security angle and the external role of Rafidite Iran and its clients, but none of them have touched on the Shari‘i reasons for what happened. So what are these reasons?
The reasons are to be summarised as the impeding and removal of the rule of the Shari‘a, as well as marginalising the program of Islam from rule in al-Sham and replacing it with constitutions of disbelief and their Jahili derivatives in “relations and ruling on members and groups.” For Islam has not divided people into “minorities” and “majorities” because this is a contemporary Jahili division underpinned by the “UN charters” and studies of “international law” and other Jahili references and constitutions. Rather, Islam divides people into Muslim and disbeliever, and the disbeliever into “warring, dhimmi, having a pact and musta’min.” The Nusayri Alawites are an evil Batini sect of disbelief and apostasy, warring and remaining at war. They have even revolted against the current Taghut who has granted them “amnesty and security” and killed his soldiers on the paths in order to affirm that they remain at war until their last breath.
The ruling on the Nusayri Alawites in Islam—and similar to them are the Druze—is outlined in Islamic jurisprudence. The pages of the “revolutionaries and jihadists” were replete with the fatwas of the Shaykh of Islam Ibn Taymiyya and other imams of Islam regarding them before these people changed their religion and did a 180 and strove to live in harmony with the Alawites and merge with them in desire and fear.
Therefore, Islam blows away the concept of minorities from its roots, and judges people by their religion: not their number, ethnicity or ethnic identity.
Therefore, Islam blows away the concept of minorities from its roots, and judges people by their religion: not their number, ethnicity or ethnic identity. Islam has likewise made clear the rulings on the disbelievers in their various sects, whether warring people or dhimmis, and it has made the rulings of the Shari‘a the means of determining relations with them. In contrast, the apostates have come today in order to replace Islam’s rulings with the rulings of “international law,” and replace the rulings of wala’ and bara’ with the laws of “citizenship, co-existence, and national unity.” Thus the homeland has become the means of determining the organisation of relations rather than religion! On this basis “Syria for Syrians” has arisen, including the warring disbelievers, and not for non-Syrians even if they are Muslims on its land: such an arbitrary division!
What the “enemy of the law” is trying to do is to meet halfway with “Muhammad bin Nusayr.” But the followers of the latter have staunchly rejected that, such that the delusions of “co-existence and national unity” between the two sides have been demolished in the first real test of them, and with them have the theories of the new Taghut been demolished- he who changed his religion and followed his arbitrary whim and has become a puppet of the international system that has granted him the title of “interim president” until the region’s arrangement and division are completed.
The Syrian Taghut has prematurely promoted his Jahili division of “Syria for Syrians,” ignoring in this regard his non-Syrian fighters who follow him, clinging to the rights of disbelieving “minorities.” He has continued to promote this Jahili ethno-nationalist concept, equating all the Syrian sects, religions and paths, such that he has been burned by their fire today on the Syrian coast! This is a failed Jahili methodology in dealing with these people, far removed from the just path of Islam that only distinguishes among Syrians on the basis of Islam, and does not equate a Muslim fingernail with a Syrian Nusayri Alawite or Druze. For all of them aren equal, but not with the Muslim.
In a dangerous insanity brought forth by the recents, the concept of “the Sunnis” is being inflated, minimised and distorted, and emptied of its Shari‘i creed concept, and it is being treated as though it were merely an “ethnicity” to be equated with the other Syrian ethnicities and minorities! Some seek to arm it in order to repel the danger of the other ethnicities! Thus has the new suggestion appeared. But in fact the Sunnis in law are the Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jama‘a, who profess the creed of Islam and are subject to and acknowledge its rulings. Whoever does not embrace that cannot be described as being among the Sunnis in ruling and creed, and arming them with creed takes precedence over arming them with weapons, lest the course of events should end up with a merely nationalist fighter of the “Jowlani” type who sees in the disbelieving “constitutional declaration” a “historic day” that he protects and fights behind.
In a dangerous insanity brought forth by the recents, the concept of “the Sunnis” is being inflated, minimised and distorted, and emptied of its Shari‘i creed concept, and it is being treated as though it were merely an “ethnicity.”
Among the outcomes of the Syrian scene is the description of the ongoing conflict as “sectarianism”! It is a Jahili term that has infiltrated into the Sunni environment from the “international covenants” and the distorted Ikhwani biography books. It contravenes the “path of Ibrahim” that is based on disavowing all the sects of disbelief, and separating from them and judging them according to the rulings of Islam, whether warring or dhimmi. Fighting the sects of disbelief is not sectarianism, but rather an authentic Islamic doctrine whose source is the Book and the Sunna implemented by the pleasing centuries.
To be appended to the preceding is the inconsistent stance of the shabiha of the new Syrian regime towards the “Kurdish militias” that were by night a Jewish-American creation, and have become a national political ally and partner in the morning, according to external dictates- exactly as was the case with the shabiha of the Nusayri regime, for every regime has external components that mobilise it and aid it in transgression.
As for the position of the Muslim in al-Sham regarding these allied and conflicting Jahili banners and regimes on its land, it requires that he should disavow all of them and separate from them, in all their contemporary forms and types, and turn his face towards Tawhid and realise it in word and deed, and not be pleased except with loyalty to the believers- whether they are few or many- and support them and aid them, and be hostile to the disbelievers and apostates- whether they are few or many- and wage jihad against them by every means: “And whoso is loyal to God and His Messenger and those who have believed, indeed God’s party are those who overcome.”