Netanyahu Believes He’s Israel’s Man of Destiny. Now Is His Moment of Truth

The PM Argues Only He Can Destroy Hamas, Stop Iran, Make Peace with the Saudis, and Ensure Israel’s Survival

President Donald Trump greets Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu at the White House on Feb. 4, 2025. For Israel, and for Netanyahu, the stars have aligned, the ducks are all in a row, the pieces have fallen into place. What matters is that Trump showed last week that he is on board with every one of Netanyahu’s goals, and then some.

President Donald Trump greets Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu at the White House on Feb. 4, 2025. For Israel, and for Netanyahu, the stars have aligned, the ducks are all in a row, the pieces have fallen into place. What matters is that Trump showed last week that he is on board with every one of Netanyahu’s goals, and then some.


Benjamin Netanyahu has made no secret of the fact that he thinks extensively about his role in the long history of the Jewish people.

“I would like to be remembered as the protector of Israel,” he told Fareed Zakaria in 2016. “That’s enough for me, protector of Israel.”

He sees World War II’s British prime minister Winston Churchill — whose bust keeps a watchful eye over his office — as his inspiration, rallying the liberal West to fight against a brutal enemy that threatens Jews and all civilization. For Churchill, it was Nazi Germany; for Netanyahu, the Islamic Republic of Iran.

After Netanyahu’s visit to Washington last week, the goal of just stopping Iran suddenly seems limited. Netanyahu is now in a position to fulfill the dream of Israel’s founders — to ensure Israel’s permanent place in the region, enjoying firm alliances with its neighbors and secure borders free of terrorist groups.

Read the full article at the Times of Israel.

Lazar Berman is the diplomatic correspondent at the Times of Israel, where he also covers Christian Affairs. He holds an M.A. in Security Studies from Georgetown University and taught at Salahuddin University in Iraqi Kurdistan. Berman is a reserve captain in the IDF’s Commando Brigade and served in a Bedouin unit during his active service.
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