- 1979: The Year that Shaped the Modern Middle East
- Black Pilgrimage to Islam
- The Body and the Blood
- The Future of Economics: An Islamic Perspective
- Globalization and the Politics of Development in the Middle East
- Green Crescent over Nazareth
- Iran at the Crossroads
- Islam and Dhimmitude
- Israel: The First Hundred Years, Vol. I
- Israel: The First Hundred Years, Vol. II
- Israel: The First Hundred Years, Vol. III
- Israel’s National Security towards the 21st Century
- Korah Hahafrada: Yisrael Ve Harashut Hafalestinit
- The Liberty Incident
- Middle East Politics Today
- Public Policy in Israel
- Rachid Ghannouchi: A Democrat within Islamism
- Security in the Persian Gulf
- Six Days of War
- The State and Global Change