Paul Belien Appointed Director of Islamist Watch

PHILADELPHIA – The Middle East Forum has appointed Dr. Paul Belien as director of Islamist Watch.

Paul Belien has emerged as one of Europe’s leading experts on lawful Islamism, particularly in his role as founder and editor of The Brussels Journal. He is also an adjunct fellow at the Hudson Institute.

Dr. Belien worked as a professional journalist in both Belgium and the Netherlands. In 1994 he founded the Brussels-based think tank Centre for the New Europe (CNE). His articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, The Spectator, The Independent and elsewhere. His English-language books include A Throne in Brussels: Britain, the Saxe-Coburgs, and the Belgianisation of Europe (Imprint Academic, 2005), Visions of Europe, coauthored with Lady Thatcher, et al. (Duckworth, 1994), and Consumer-Driven Health Care, coauthored with Regina Herzlinger, et al. (Jossey-Bass, 2004).

Paul Belien holds a degree in law with specialization in social security law and European law (University of Ghent, Belgium) and a doctorate in international studies (University of Buckingham, UK).

Islamist Watch, a new project of the Middle East Forum, combats the ideas and institutions of nonviolent, radical Islam in the United States and other Western countries.

For immediate release
For more information, call Amy Shargel at 215-546-5406, ex. 22

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