Campus Watch Seeks Writers for Paid Essays and Reports

Campus Watch, a Project of the Middle East Forum, Critiques Middle East Studies in North American Universities


Campus Watch, a project of the Middle East Forum that critiques Middle East studies in North American universities, seeks writers to contribute paid essays and reports.

Who: Writers with a good grasp of Middle East studies (MES), including some familiarity with key programs and professors. Writing should be meticulous, rigorous, accurate, and timely. The writer needs to be in broad agreement with Campus Watch (mission statement) and the Middle East Forum (mission statement).

Campus Watch does not self-publish; all work is submitted to third party sites for publication and afterwards posted on the Campus Watch website. Writers are expected to work with editors to choose a topic and ensure that their submissions meet MEF’s standards. Remuneration upon publication.

See the archive of Campus Watch’s commissioned articles here.

Type of Writing: Campus Watch chiefly produces three types of research:

  1. Op-ed length features on MES. These include writings on historiography, individual professors or programs, responses of MES professors to breaking developments, and commentary on perennial problems with MES.
  2. Reports on public lectures, panels, or conferences featuring professors of MES and other experts.
  3. In-depth analyses of MES.

How to Apply: Please email a cover letter detailing your qualifications and explaining why you wish to write for CW, a resume, and writing samples (if published, links are fine) in either PDF or Word and send to Write “Campus Watch Writers” in the subject line.

The Middle East Forum, a non-profit organization, promotes American interests in the Middle East and protects Western civilization from Islamism. It does so through a combination of original ideas and focused activism.

For more information, visit

For immediate release
For more information, contact:
Gregg Roman
+1 (215) 546 5406

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Campus Watch, a Project of the Middle East Forum, Critiques Middle East Studies in North American Universities
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