
The Danger Is Not Just What This Administration’s Stance Might Mean for Ukraine, but the Rubicon Crossed in U.S. Foreign Policy
A Local Defence Forces’ Perspective
Turkey’s Actions in Syria and Iraq Also Signal a Deeper Shift Away From Its Western Alliances. Erdogan’s Government Has Cultivated Closer Ties With Russia.
Putin’s Loss in Syria Makes Him Desperate to Find a Replacement and He Will Try to Outbid Saudi Arabia for Influence in Sudan
Stopgap Measures Hinder the Department of Defense’s Ability to Plan, Procure, and Posture Effectively
In Uprisings Across the Middle East and North Africa, Elites and External Powers Have Appropriated the Peoples’ Democratic Aspirations
MEF Chief Editor Jim Hanson discussed Syria winners and losers on FOX.
MEF Chief Editor discusses the end of the Assad regime and how the actions of Russia, Iran and Turkey will affect the outcome with FOX News.
Türkiye, Hezbollah, Iran, and Russia Would Be Fighting Each Other Instead of the United States and Its Allies
The Syrian Army’s Collapse Does Not Necessarily Mean Assad’s Downfall Is Imminent
NATO Has Never Removed a Member, but Turkey No Longer Is Compatible With the Alliance