Campus Watch Responds:
In an article defending Joel Kovel’s book Overcoming Zionism and the relationship that its publisher, Pluto Press, forged with the University of Michigan Press, Jamal Najjab reports that Abdeen Jabara, the former president of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, claimed on November 3, 2007 that Campus Watch is affiliated with the organization Stand With Us.
Najjab wrote:
As a result of protest e-mails and phone calls from the Michigan chapter of the pro-Israel group Stand With Us, which is affiliated with Daniel Pipes’ Campus Watch, UMP immediately stopped distribution of the Pluto book Overcoming Zionism, which argues that the only tenable solution to the Israeli/Palestinian problem is the establishment of a single secular state.
What is true is that the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, in which this erroneous claim appeared, published in its June/July 1997 issue that Zionism is “either racism or bigotry” and a “Jewish variety of [and]... siblings [with] German Nazism [and] Italian fascism,” and that the U.S. government and Congress are “Israeli occupied territory.”
(Posted by Winfield Myers)