Israel-Hamas War
The Monstrous Blackmail That Israel Agreed to Pay to the Gaza Jihad Also Feeds on the Psychological Torment of Those Who Have Returned
Moving the Palestinians to Egypt and Jordan Would Be a Massive Undertaking
Israelis Widely Agreed in the Aftermath of the Oct. 7, 2023, Massacre That Hamas Had to Be Destroyed. Some 16 Months Later, However, Hamas Remains a Powerful Institution
We Await a Medical Study by the Lancet on the 98 Israeli Hostages Held for over a Year in Hamas Cages, Their Weight, Their Psychological Condition
U.S. President Donald Trump Engages in a Double Pander, Giving Both His Pro-Israel and His Islamist Constituencies What They Most Want
Hamas Now Stands to Rebuild Its Rule over Gaza, and to Reconstitute Its Hold on the Strip
The Terrorist Group’s October 7 Attack on Israel Was the Opening Salvo in a Move for Broader Palestinian Leadership
When Israel Conducts Counter-Terror Operations, Its Aim Should Be to Kill Rather than Capture Terrorists
Denying Iran a Nuclear Bomb and Freeing the Region from Tehran’s Grip Could Mitigate Any Negative Fallout from the Deal
The Rescue Last Year of Israeli Hostages Noa Argamani, Shlomi Ziv, Almog Meir Jan, and Andrei Kozlov Began Israel’s Ascendant Trajectory
Comparing the Iran and Hamas Hostages Crises Shows How Much Has Changed in the Last Four Decades – None of It for the Better
U.S.-Led Reconstruction of Germany and Japan Served Its Purposes at the Time, but Should Not Mandate Permanently Rebuilding Belligerents
The World Often Rewards Those Who Shout the Loudest Rather than Those Who Anchor Their Claims on Solid Ground
Hamas’s Penetration of UNRWA Means the Terror Group Hijacks Supplies the Aid Organization Says It Delivers
The Decision by Lebanese Hezbollah to Unilaterally Quit the Field Is the Latest and Most Terminal Event in the Trend of Dwindling Resistance
The Incoming Trump Administration Should Suspend or Reprogram U.S. Military Assistance to Egypt
Israeli Airstrikes Intensify in Syria, Targeting Iranian-Backed Militias and Disrupting Their Operations, but Experts Warn the Threat from Tehran’s Proxies Remains Resilient
Democracies That Value Their Sovereignty Should Pull Out and Cease Funding the Court