
The Refusal to Criticize Tehran Is Likely Meant to Protect Germany’s Lucrative Trade with the Islamic Republic
The New Policy Was Widely Interpreted as a Direct Warning to Turkish Jewish Citizens Who Enlist in the Israeli Army
The Conversation Surrounding Foreign Influence in Education Must Shift From Passive Concern to Active Resistance Before It Is Too Late.
The ICRC’s Willingness to Sacrifice Its Mission Upon Its Antipathy Toward Jews Is Not a One-Time Occurrence
U.N. Reports Involving Israel Are Notorious; U.N. Rapporteurs Engage in Base Antisemitism
Marwan Barghout Is Serving Five Life Sentences, but 20 French Cities Have Granted the Arch-Terrorist Honorary Citizenship
The Coalition Joins Progressives, Socialists, and Communists with Islamists, Muslims Who Actively Pursue the Political Goals of Islamic Supremacism
Focusing On Issues We Find Offensive but Which Do Not Affect Non-Muslims Creates Confusion Concerning Aspects of Islam That Affect So-Called Infidels
Haddad’s Schmooze Fest with Palestinian Islamic Jihad Financier and Islamist Operative Sami al-Arian Shows His Inability to Discern Scholarship from Activism
Anti-Western Propaganda Destroys the Lives of Those It Holds Captive
The Student Newspaper Has Not Published a Story About the Firing of an Islamic Studies Professor Accused of Sexual Misconduct
Broad Implications for the United States from the First Accused Islamic Terrorist to Illegally Cross the Southern Border and Shoot an American for Jihad
Denial Remains the Order of the Day About the Lack of Freedom for Germany’s Dwindling Jewish Community
DEI Policies in North America Label Jews as Oppressors and Islamist Terrorists as Marginalized Victims
Perhaps He Believes That Pointing a Finger at the Jews Will Divert Muslim Rage from the Vatican.
The “Woke Right” Threatens America First with Isolationist Policies and Antisemitic Rhetoric That Undermine Its Patriotic Foundations
In Early November Spain Refused to Allow a U.S.-Flagged Ship to Dock at Its Ports, Alleging It Was Carrying Military Supplies to Israel