
Washington Has Taken Proactive Steps in the past to Ensure Internet Access for Vulnerable Populations
With Iran’s Proxies Weakened and Its Air Defenses Damaged, the Time Is Ripe for Israel to Act Against Tehran’s Nuclear Program.
Americans Have the Right to Know Whether Obama and Biden Colluded with Tehran to Undermine U.S. National Security
Interview with the Leader of the 313 Force
The Late Shah’s Son Could Be a Coalition Builder as Many Iranians Reconsider the Monarchy as Iran’s Golden Age
The PM Argues Only He Can Destroy Hamas, Stop Iran, Make Peace with the Saudis, and Ensure Israel’s Survival
The ISI Has with Duplicity and Direction Killed Nearly as Many Americans as Has the Qods Force
Trump Is Correct to Calibrate Policy to Reality Rather than Wishful Thinking. Yemen Would Be a Good Place to Start
There Is Overwhelming Evidence That Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MİT) Behaves as a Foreign Terrorist Organization
The High Black-Market Cost of Starlink’s Terminals and Subscriptions Limit Their Use Primarily to Iran’s Upper Class
The Islamic Republic’s Efforts to Penetrate Trump’s Administration and Its Outreach to MAGA Influencers Will Increase
A Weakened Ayatollah Khamenei Considers His Options
Trump Is a Consummate Deal-Maker, and Iranian Officials Signal They Are Ready for a Deal
The Kurds in the Iranian Part of Kurdistan Who Have Fought for Their Rights in the Region the Longest Have Been Largely Ignored by the U.S. And the West
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Fights Behind the Scenes to Consolidate Control over Iraq
A Local Defence Forces’ Perspective
Policymakers, Think-Tankers, and the Media Should Critically Assess and Withhold Unverified Turkish Reports
The United States Can Rally Action by Pointing to the Global Challenge with Economic, Security, and Humanitarian Aspects
The Terrorist Group’s October 7 Attack on Israel Was the Opening Salvo in a Move for Broader Palestinian Leadership
When Israel Conducts Counter-Terror Operations, Its Aim Should Be to Kill Rather than Capture Terrorists