Israel & Zionism

Tehran Is Expanding Beyond Proxies to Forge Direct State Alliances, with Qatar as a Key Enabler
The New Policy Was Widely Interpreted as a Direct Warning to Turkish Jewish Citizens Who Enlist in the Israeli Army
The Administration in Damascus Embodies the Governorate of Idlib from Which Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham and the Salvation Government Emerged
Those Protesting the Loudest About Trump’s Alleged ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ Plan Are More Interested in Exploiting Gazans for the Purpose of Destroying Israel than Helping Them
It Has Been Clear from the Start That the Implementation of the First Phase of the Deal Does Not Indicate an Ending of the War, or a Failure of Israel’s War Aims
The ICRC’s Willingness to Sacrifice Its Mission Upon Its Antipathy Toward Jews Is Not a One-Time Occurrence
The Question Now Facing Israel Is This: Will the War in Gaza Recommence?
Interview with the Leader of the 313 Force
U.N. Reports Involving Israel Are Notorious; U.N. Rapporteurs Engage in Base Antisemitism
The PM Argues Only He Can Destroy Hamas, Stop Iran, Make Peace with the Saudis, and Ensure Israel’s Survival
Ensuring Stability in North Africa Is Not Only a Regional Necessity but Also a Global Imperative
Trump May Believe Transferring Palestinians from Gaza Will Bring Peace, but the History of Population Transfer Suggests Such Expectations Are Unrealistic
New Ideas Are Needed, and This Might Spark More Viable Solutions
The Monstrous Blackmail That Israel Agreed to Pay to the Gaza Jihad Also Feeds on the Psychological Torment of Those Who Have Returned
Israelis Widely Agreed in the Aftermath of the Oct. 7, 2023, Massacre That Hamas Had to Be Destroyed. Some 16 Months Later, However, Hamas Remains a Powerful Institution
The Multifaceted and Layered Plan Entails Crafting a Hateful Narrative to Vilify Israel Through the Predominantly Government-Controlled Turkish Media
The Executioners Are Once Again Wearing Hamas Uniforms, but the Victims Are Six Arabs of Gaza, Six Alleged ‘Collaborators with Israel’
U.S. President Donald Trump Engages in a Double Pander, Giving Both His Pro-Israel and His Islamist Constituencies What They Most Want
Hamas Now Stands to Rebuild Its Rule over Gaza, and to Reconstitute Its Hold on the Strip