Official Protocol Allowing a Violent Far-Right Group to Supply Instructors for Public Education Programs Highlights Turkey’s Radicalization
The Legacy of Oum Kalthoum Remains One of the Most Spellbinding Musical Phenomena of the Twentieth Century
September Attack in Port City of Izmir Was Part of a Turkish Influence Operation by Militant Neo-Nationalists
Both the Ruling Party and the Corrupted Opposition Could Be Delegitimized
Pezeshkian’s Dilemma: Either Appease the IRGCs Power and Ideology or Alienate His Own Reformist Constituency
Two Years After the Murder of Jina (Mahsa) Amini, the Suppression of Nationalities in Iran Continues
The Story of the Palestinian Arab Flag Holds Some Surprises Which Just Might Make Its Bearers Think Twice
The Far-Right Group Embraces Hitler’s National Socialist Ideology and Promotes the Supremacy of Turkish Ethnicity