
The school says that without either the name of the artist - whom has been identified as a Muslim woman - or a statement from her, the piece must stay down
Exposing the fake extremist violence statistics in its latest report.
A judge at Manchester County and Family Court ruled that the child, who will turn two in the summer, was at risk of the ‘utterly unacceptable’ procedure
Extremist books preach homophobia, experts demand change to home education laws
With the influx of refugees, both Muslim and Christian, has come the hatred against religious minorities in, for example, Syria and Iran.
Muslim activist Linda Sarsour has called for divestments and sanctions against Israel
Northern League leader’s language may be too extreme for some voters in Sunday’s election
Newly uncovered footage shows Tariq Ramadan, a noted professor of Islam at Oxford University, was in Spain the day before a women says he raped her.
Because police photos of her injuries were ‘too blurry’ to use
The group have said the human rights of young Somali girls are being breached in Bristol
By challenging the spread of Islamic law, the archbishop is finally fighting for Christian values