US politics
Khamenei May Want Iran to Be Bombed, but He’s Miscalculating
Is Turkey a partner for peace in the region or a terrorist sponsor that will set it alight?
The United States Has a Knack for Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory with the Islamic Republic of Iran
The Coalition Joins Progressives, Socialists, and Communists with Islamists, Muslims Who Actively Pursue the Political Goals of Islamic Supremacism
Biden’s Administration Was Relatively Short, but It Coincided with Iranian Enrichment to near Bomb-Grade Levels and the Normalization of Hamas
A Weakened Ayatollah Khamenei Considers His Options
Trump Is a Consummate Deal-Maker, and Iranian Officials Signal They Are Ready for a Deal
Blinken’s Feckless Foreign Policy Initiatives Have Diminished Respect For, and Fear Of, the U.S. Throughout the World
By the End of Biden’s Term, the Gulf Cooperation Council Was More Coherent than It Was Pre-Biden
The Kurds Do Not Want the Americans to Defend Them; They Want the Americans to Enable Them to Defend Themselves
All U.S. Presidents Pay Lip Service to Faith, Fewer Are Sincere in Their Own Practice, and Fewer Still Defend Christian Communities Abroad
Almost Every President Since the End of the Cold War Had His Foreign Policy Legacy Defined by a War No One Could Have Foreseen
When an Opponent Is Against the Ropes but Still Standing, It Is Not the Time to Call the Match
Comparing the Iran and Hamas Hostages Crises Shows How Much Has Changed in the Last Four Decades – None of It for the Better
The “Woke Right” Threatens America First with Isolationist Policies and Antisemitic Rhetoric That Undermine Its Patriotic Foundations
Terror Group Pinned Hopes of Salvation on the Iranian Axis and World Pressure on Israel, but Now Has Little Time Until President Trump Returns